
861 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

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* ScrollReveal
* ------------
* Version : 3.3.4
* Website :
* Repo :
* Author : Julian Lloyd (@jlmakes)
;(function () {
'use strict'
var sr
var _requestAnimationFrame
function ScrollReveal (config) {
// Support instantiation without the `new` keyword.
if (typeof this === 'undefined' || Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== ScrollReveal.prototype) {
return new ScrollReveal(config)
sr = this // Save reference to instance.
sr.version = '3.3.4' = new Tools() // *required utilities
if (sr.isSupported()) {, config || {})
sr.defaults.container = _resolveContainer(sr.defaults) = {
elements: {},
containers: []
sr.sequences = {}
sr.history = []
sr.uid = 0
sr.initialized = false
} else if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console !== null) {
// Note: IE9 only supports console if devtools are open.
console.log('ScrollReveal is not supported in this browser.')
return sr
* Configuration
* -------------
* This object signature can be passed directly to the ScrollReveal constructor,
* or as the second argument of the `reveal()` method.
ScrollReveal.prototype.defaults = {
// 'bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right'
origin: 'bottom',
// Can be any valid CSS distance, e.g. '5rem', '10%', '20vw', etc.
distance: '20px',
// Time in milliseconds.
duration: 500,
delay: 0,
// Starting angles in degrees, will transition from these values to 0 in all axes.
rotate: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
// Starting opacity value, before transitioning to the computed opacity.
opacity: 0,
// Starting scale value, will transition from this value to 1
scale: 0.9,
// Accepts any valid CSS easing, e.g. 'ease', 'ease-in-out', 'linear', etc.
easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 1)',
// `<html>` is the default reveal container. You can pass either:
// DOM Node, e.g. document.querySelector('.fooContainer')
// Selector, e.g. '.fooContainer'
container: window.document.documentElement,
// true/false to control reveal animations on mobile.
mobile: true,
// true: reveals occur every time elements become visible
// false: reveals occur once as elements become visible
reset: false,
// 'always' — delay for all reveal animations
// 'once' — delay only the first time reveals occur
// 'onload' - delay only for animations triggered by first load
useDelay: 'always',
// Change when an element is considered in the viewport. The default value
// of 0.20 means 20% of an element must be visible for its reveal to occur.
viewFactor: 0.2,
// Pixel values that alter the container boundaries.
// e.g. Set `{ top: 48 }`, if you have a 48px tall fixed toolbar.
// --
// Visual Aid:
viewOffset: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
// Callbacks that fire for each triggered element reveal, and reset.
beforeReveal: function (domEl) {},
beforeReset: function (domEl) {},
// Callbacks that fire for each completed element reveal, and reset.
afterReveal: function (domEl) {},
afterReset: function (domEl) {}
* Check if client supports CSS Transform and CSS Transition.
* @return {boolean}
ScrollReveal.prototype.isSupported = function () {
var style =
return 'WebkitTransition' in style && 'WebkitTransform' in style ||
'transition' in style && 'transform' in style
* Creates a reveal set, a group of elements that will animate when they
* become visible. If [interval] is provided, a new sequence is created
* that will ensure elements reveal in the order they appear in the DOM.
* @param {Node|NodeList|string} [target] The node, node list or selector to use for animation.
* @param {Object} [config] Override the defaults for this reveal set.
* @param {number} [interval] Time between sequenced element animations (milliseconds).
* @param {boolean} [sync] Used internally when updating reveals for async content.
* @return {Object} The current ScrollReveal instance.
ScrollReveal.prototype.reveal = function (target, config, interval, sync) {
var container
var elements
var elem
var elemId
var sequence
var sequenceId
// No custom configuration was passed, but a sequence interval instead.
// lets shuffle things around to make sure everything works.
if (config !== undefined && typeof config === 'number') {
interval = config
config = {}
} else if (config === undefined || config === null) {
config = {}
container = _resolveContainer(config)
elements = _getRevealElements(target, container)
if (!elements.length) {
console.log('ScrollReveal: reveal on "' + target + '" failed, no elements found.')
return sr
// Prepare a new sequence if an interval is passed.
if (interval && typeof interval === 'number') {
sequenceId = _nextUid()
sequence = sr.sequences[sequenceId] = {
id: sequenceId,
interval: interval,
elemIds: [],
active: false
// Begin main loop to configure ScrollReveal elements.
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
// Check if the element has already been configured and grab it from the store.
elemId = elements[i].getAttribute('data-sr-id')
if (elemId) {
elem =[elemId]
} else {
// Otherwise, lets do some basic setup.
elem = {
id: _nextUid(),
domEl: elements[i],
seen: false,
revealing: false
// Sequence only setup
if (sequence) {
elem.sequence = {
index: sequence.elemIds.length
// New or existing element, its time to update its configuration, styles,
// and send the updates to our store.
_configure(elem, config, container)
// We need to make sure elements are set to visibility: visible, even when
// on mobile and ` === false`, or if unsupported.
if ( && ! || !sr.isSupported()) {
elem.domEl.setAttribute('style', elem.styles.inline)
elem.disabled = true
} else if (!elem.revealing) {
// Otherwise, proceed normally.
elem.styles.inline +
// Each `reveal()` is recorded so that when calling `sync()` while working
// with asynchronously loaded content, it can re-trace your steps but with
// all your new elements now in the DOM.
// Since `reveal()` is called internally by `sync()`, we dont want to
// record or intiialize each reveal during syncing.
if (!sync && sr.isSupported()) {
_record(target, config, interval)
// We push initialization to the event queue using setTimeout, so that we can
// give ScrollReveal room to process all reveal calls before putting things into motion.
// --
// Philip Roberts - What the heck is the event loop anyway? (JSConf EU 2014)
if (sr.initTimeout) {
sr.initTimeout = window.setTimeout(_init, 0)
return sr
* Re-runs `reveal()` for each record stored in history, effectively capturing
* any content loaded asynchronously that matches existing reveal set targets.
* @return {Object} The current ScrollReveal instance.
ScrollReveal.prototype.sync = function () {
if (sr.history.length && sr.isSupported()) {
for (var i = 0; i < sr.history.length; i++) {
var record = sr.history[i]
sr.reveal(, record.config, record.interval, true)
} else {
console.log('ScrollReveal: sync failed, no reveals found.')
return sr
* Private Methods
* ---------------
function _resolveContainer (config) {
if (config && config.container) {
if (typeof config.container === 'string') {
return window.document.documentElement.querySelector(config.container)
} else if ( {
return config.container
} else {
console.log('ScrollReveal: invalid container "' + config.container + '" provided.')
console.log('ScrollReveal: falling back to default container.')
return sr.defaults.container
* check to see if a node or node list was passed in as the target,
* otherwise query the container using target as a selector.
* @param {Node|NodeList|string} [target] client input for reveal target.
* @param {Node} [container] parent element for selector queries.
* @return {array} elements to be revealed.
function _getRevealElements (target, container) {
if (typeof target === 'string') {
} else if ( {
return [target]
} else if ( {
return []
* A consistent way of creating unique IDs.
* @returns {number}
function _nextUid () {
return ++sr.uid
function _configure (elem, config, container) {
// If a container was passed as a part of the config object,
// lets overwrite it with the resolved container passed in.
if (config.container) config.container = container
// If the element hasnt already been configured, lets use a clone of the
// defaults extended by the configuration passed as the second argument.
if (!elem.config) {
elem.config =, config)
} else {
// Otherwise, lets use a clone of the existing element configuration extended
// by the configuration passed as the second argument.
elem.config =, config)
// Infer CSS Transform axis from origin string.
if (elem.config.origin === 'top' || elem.config.origin === 'bottom') {
elem.config.axis = 'Y'
} else {
elem.config.axis = 'X'
function _style (elem) {
var computed = window.getComputedStyle(elem.domEl)
if (!elem.styles) {
elem.styles = {
transition: {},
transform: {},
computed: {}
// Capture any existing inline styles, and add our visibility override.
// --
// See section 4.2. in the Documentation:
elem.styles.inline = elem.domEl.getAttribute('style') || ''
elem.styles.inline += '; visibility: visible; '
// grab the elements existing opacity.
elem.styles.computed.opacity = computed.opacity
// grab the elements existing transitions.
if (!computed.transition || computed.transition === 'all 0s ease 0s') {
elem.styles.computed.transition = ''
} else {
elem.styles.computed.transition = computed.transition + ', '
// Create transition styles
elem.styles.transition.instant = _generateTransition(elem, 0)
elem.styles.transition.delayed = _generateTransition(elem, elem.config.delay)
// Generate transform styles, first with the webkit prefix.
elem.styles.transform.initial = ' -webkit-transform:' = ' -webkit-transform:'
// And again without any prefix.
elem.styles.transform.initial += 'transform:' += 'transform:'
function _generateTransition (elem, delay) {
var config = elem.config
return '-webkit-transition: ' + elem.styles.computed.transition +
'-webkit-transform ' + config.duration / 1000 + 's ' +
config.easing + ' ' +
delay / 1000 + 's, opacity ' +
config.duration / 1000 + 's ' +
config.easing + ' ' +
delay / 1000 + 's; ' +
'transition: ' + elem.styles.computed.transition +
'transform ' + config.duration / 1000 + 's ' +
config.easing + ' ' +
delay / 1000 + 's, opacity ' +
config.duration / 1000 + 's ' +
config.easing + ' ' +
delay / 1000 + 's; '
function _generateTransform (elem) {
var config = elem.config
var cssDistance
var transform = elem.styles.transform
// Lets make sure our our pixel distances are negative for top and left.
// e.g. origin = 'top' and distance = '25px' starts at `top: -25px` in CSS.
if (config.origin === 'top' || config.origin === 'left') {
cssDistance = /^-/.test(config.distance)
? config.distance.substr(1)
: '-' + config.distance
} else {
cssDistance = config.distance
if (parseInt(config.distance)) {
transform.initial += ' translate' + config.axis + '(' + cssDistance + ')' += ' translate' + config.axis + '(0)'
if (config.scale) {
transform.initial += ' scale(' + config.scale + ')' += ' scale(1)'
if (config.rotate.x) {
transform.initial += ' rotateX(' + config.rotate.x + 'deg)' += ' rotateX(0)'
if (config.rotate.y) {
transform.initial += ' rotateY(' + config.rotate.y + 'deg)' += ' rotateY(0)'
if (config.rotate.z) {
transform.initial += ' rotateZ(' + config.rotate.z + 'deg)' += ' rotateZ(0)'
transform.initial += '; opacity: ' + config.opacity + ';' += '; opacity: ' + elem.styles.computed.opacity + ';'
function _updateStore (elem) {
var container = elem.config.container
// If this elements container isnt already in the store, lets add it.
if (container && === -1) {
// Update the element stored with our new element.[] = elem
function _record (target, config, interval) {
// Save the `reveal()` arguments that triggered this `_record()` call, so we
// can re-trace our steps when calling the `sync()` method.
var record = {
target: target,
config: config,
interval: interval
function _init () {
if (sr.isSupported()) {
// Initial animate call triggers valid reveal animations on first load.
// Subsequent animate calls are made inside the event handler.
// Then we loop through all container nodes in the store and bind event
// listeners to each.
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {[i].addEventListener('scroll', _handler)[i].addEventListener('resize', _handler)
// Lets also do a one-time binding of window event listeners.
if (!sr.initialized) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', _handler)
window.addEventListener('resize', _handler)
sr.initialized = true
return sr
function _handler () {
function _setActiveSequences () {
var active
var elem
var elemId
var sequence
// Loop through all sequences, function (sequenceId) {
sequence = sr.sequences[sequenceId]
active = false
// For each sequenced elemenet, lets check visibility and if
// any are visible, set its sequence to active.
for (var i = 0; i < sequence.elemIds.length; i++) {
elemId = sequence.elemIds[i]
elem =[elemId]
if (_isElemVisible(elem) && !active) {
active = true
} = active
function _animate () {
var delayed
var elem
// Loop through all elements in the store, function (elemId) {
elem =[elemId]
delayed = _shouldUseDelay(elem)
// Lets see if we should revealand if so,
// trigger the `beforeReveal` callback and
// determine whether or not to use delay.
if (_shouldReveal(elem)) {
if (delayed) {
elem.styles.inline + +
} else {
elem.styles.inline + +
// Lets queue the `afterReveal` callback
// and mark the element as seen and revealing.
_queueCallback('reveal', elem, delayed)
elem.revealing = true
elem.seen = true
if (elem.sequence) {
_queueNextInSequence(elem, delayed)
} else if (_shouldReset(elem)) {
//Otherwise reset our element and
// trigger the `beforeReset` callback.
elem.styles.inline +
elem.styles.transform.initial +
// And queue the `afterReset` callback.
_queueCallback('reset', elem)
elem.revealing = false
function _queueNextInSequence (elem, delayed) {
var elapsed = 0
var delay = 0
var sequence = sr.sequences[]
// Were processing a sequenced element, so let's block other elements in this sequence.
sequence.blocked = true
// Since were triggering animations a part of a sequence after animations on first load,
// we need to check for that condition and explicitly add the delay to our timer.
if (delayed && elem.config.useDelay === 'onload') {
delay = elem.config.delay
// If a sequence timer is already running, capture the elapsed time and clear it.
if (elem.sequence.timer) {
elapsed = Math.abs(elem.sequence.timer.started - new Date())
// Start a new timer.
elem.sequence.timer = { started: new Date() }
elem.sequence.timer.clock = window.setTimeout(function () {
// Sequence interval has passed, so unblock the sequence and re-run the handler.
sequence.blocked = false
elem.sequence.timer = null
}, Math.abs(sequence.interval) + delay - elapsed)
function _queueCallback (type, elem, delayed) {
var elapsed = 0
var duration = 0
var callback = 'after'
// Check which callback were working with.
switch (type) {
case 'reveal':
duration = elem.config.duration
if (delayed) {
duration += elem.config.delay
callback += 'Reveal'
case 'reset':
duration = elem.config.duration
callback += 'Reset'
// If a timer is already running, capture the elapsed time and clear it.
if (elem.timer) {
elapsed = Math.abs(elem.timer.started - new Date())
// Start a new timer.
elem.timer = { started: new Date() }
elem.timer.clock = window.setTimeout(function () {
// The timer completed, so lets fire the callback and null the timer.
elem.timer = null
}, duration - elapsed)
function _shouldReveal (elem) {
if (elem.sequence) {
var sequence = sr.sequences[]
return &&
!sequence.blocked &&
!elem.revealing &&
return _isElemVisible(elem) &&
!elem.revealing &&
function _shouldUseDelay (elem) {
var config = elem.config.useDelay
return config === 'always' ||
(config === 'onload' && !sr.initialized) ||
(config === 'once' && !elem.seen)
function _shouldReset (elem) {
if (elem.sequence) {
var sequence = sr.sequences[]
return ! &&
elem.config.reset &&
elem.revealing &&
return !_isElemVisible(elem) &&
elem.config.reset &&
elem.revealing &&
function _getContainer (container) {
return {
width: container.clientWidth,
height: container.clientHeight
function _getScrolled (container) {
// Return the container scroll values, plus the its offset.
if (container && container !== window.document.documentElement) {
var offset = _getOffset(container)
return {
x: container.scrollLeft + offset.left,
y: container.scrollTop +
} else {
// Otherwise, default to the window objects scroll values.
return {
x: window.pageXOffset,
y: window.pageYOffset
function _getOffset (domEl) {
var offsetTop = 0
var offsetLeft = 0
// Grab the elements dimensions.
var offsetHeight = domEl.offsetHeight
var offsetWidth = domEl.offsetWidth
// Now calculate the distance between the element and its parent, then
// again for the parent to its parent, and again etc... until we have the
// total distance of the element to the documents top and left origin.
do {
if (!isNaN(domEl.offsetTop)) {
offsetTop += domEl.offsetTop
if (!isNaN(domEl.offsetLeft)) {
offsetLeft += domEl.offsetLeft
domEl = domEl.offsetParent
} while (domEl)
return {
top: offsetTop,
left: offsetLeft,
height: offsetHeight,
width: offsetWidth
function _isElemVisible (elem) {
var offset = _getOffset(elem.domEl)
var container = _getContainer(elem.config.container)
var scrolled = _getScrolled(elem.config.container)
var vF = elem.config.viewFactor
// Define the element geometry.
var elemHeight = offset.height
var elemWidth = offset.width
var elemTop =
var elemLeft = offset.left
var elemBottom = elemTop + elemHeight
var elemRight = elemLeft + elemWidth
return confirmBounds() || isPositionFixed()
function confirmBounds () {
// Define the elements functional boundaries using its view factor.
var top = elemTop + elemHeight * vF
var left = elemLeft + elemWidth * vF
var bottom = elemBottom - elemHeight * vF
var right = elemRight - elemWidth * vF
// Define the container functional boundaries using its view offset.
var viewTop = scrolled.y +
var viewLeft = scrolled.x + elem.config.viewOffset.left
var viewBottom = scrolled.y - elem.config.viewOffset.bottom + container.height
var viewRight = scrolled.x - elem.config.viewOffset.right + container.width
return top < viewBottom &&
bottom > viewTop &&
left > viewLeft &&
right < viewRight
function isPositionFixed () {
return (window.getComputedStyle(elem.domEl).position === 'fixed')
* Utilities
* ---------
function Tools () {}
Tools.prototype.isObject = function (object) {
return object !== null && typeof object === 'object' && object.constructor === Object
Tools.prototype.isNode = function (object) {
return typeof window.Node === 'object'
? object instanceof window.Node
: object && typeof object === 'object' &&
typeof object.nodeType === 'number' &&
typeof object.nodeName === 'string'
Tools.prototype.isNodeList = function (object) {
var prototypeToString =
var regex = /^\[object (HTMLCollection|NodeList|Object)\]$/
return typeof window.NodeList === 'object'
? object instanceof window.NodeList
: object && typeof object === 'object' &&
regex.test(prototypeToString) &&
typeof object.length === 'number' &&
(object.length === 0 || this.isNode(object[0]))
Tools.prototype.forOwn = function (object, callback) {
if (!this.isObject(object)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected "object", but received "' + typeof object + '".')
} else {
for (var property in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
Tools.prototype.extend = function (target, source) {
this.forOwn(source, function (property) {
if (this.isObject(source[property])) {
if (!target[property] || !this.isObject(target[property])) {
target[property] = {}
this.extend(target[property], source[property])
} else {
target[property] = source[property]
return target
Tools.prototype.extendClone = function (target, source) {
return this.extend(this.extend({}, target), source)
Tools.prototype.isMobile = function () {
return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
* Polyfills
* --------
_requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60)
* Module Wrapper
* --------------
if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd === 'object' && define.amd) {
define(function () {
return ScrollReveal
} else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = ScrollReveal
} else {
window.ScrollReveal = ScrollReveal