Compare commits


No commits in common. "9c1c0d8e761ceb80bce139e865971a5db25da516" and "1a525bb29a65a0100be84056307c010b7d463853" have entirely different histories.

3 changed files with 301 additions and 82 deletions

View File

@ -91,11 +91,11 @@
"nixpkgs": {
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"narHash": "sha256-QRe1Y8SS3M4GeC58F/6ajz6V0ZLUVWX3ZAMgov2N3/g=",
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"narHash": "sha256-VckkiJ88Gzdc2cstm0z5eFcrHbvkm4VjxavHBGssvZI=",
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"rev": "9790f3242da2152d5aa1976e3e4b8b414f4dd206",
"rev": "b6c73c5fe53bb3afbf65e870541e0645e9145171",
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@ -121,11 +121,11 @@
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"lastModified": 1686960236,
"narHash": "sha256-AYCC9rXNLpUWzD9hm+askOfpliLEC9kwAo7ITJc4HIw=",
"owner": "NixOS",
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"rev": "e18dc963075ed115afb3e312b64643bf8fd4b474",
"rev": "04af42f3b31dba0ef742d254456dc4c14eedac86",
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@ -158,11 +158,11 @@
"utils": "utils"
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"narHash": "sha256-rNSputjn/0HEHHnsKfQ8mQVEPVchcBw7DsbND7Wg8dk=",
"lastModified": 1686496219,
"narHash": "sha256-8zXZ/813yzaRA84js98G3XQ3GEEzFGnxhjvVyxkEey0=",
"owner": "simple-nixos-mailserver",
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View File

@ -182,66 +182,6 @@ in
enable = true;
mosquitto = {
enable = true;
listeners = [
acl = [ "pattern readwrite #" ];
omitPasswordAuth = true;
address = "";
settings.allow_anonymous = true;
zigbee2mqtt = {
enable = true;
settings = {
mqtt = {
server = "mqtt://${(head}:${toString (head}";
frontend = {
port = 8080;
host = "";
url = "";
groups = {
"101" = {
friendly_name = "salon";
devices = [
"102" = {
friendly_name = "cuisine";
devices = [
"103" = {
friendly_name = "entrée";
devices = [
"104" = {
friendly_name = "tout";
devices = [
"107" = {
friendly_name = "chambre";
devices = [
home-assistant = {
enable = true;
extraComponents = [
@ -252,26 +192,37 @@ in
config = {
default_config = {};
homeassistant = {
country = "FR";
latitude = 48.60038;
longitude = 7.74063;
elevation = 146;
meteo_france = null;
#influxdb = null;
#config = null;
#dhcp = null;
#frontend = null;
#history = null;
http = {
use_x_forwarded_for = true;
trusted_proxies = [ "" ];
mqtt = null;
#logbook = null;
#map = null;
#mobile_app = null;
#person = null;
#script = null;
#sun = null;
#system_health = null;
zha = null;
esphome = null;
light = [
platform = "group";
name = "Salon";
entities = [
@ -316,6 +267,282 @@ in
# };
# }
#switch = [
# {
# platform = "wake_on_lan";
# name = "PC Fixe";
# mac = "b4:2e:99:ed:24:26";
# host = "";
# broadcast_address = "";
# }
#device_tracker = [
# {
# platform = "ping";
# hosts = { telephone_paul = ""; };
# }
#scene = [
# {
# name = "Movie";
# icon = "mdi:movie-open";
# entities = {
# "" = {
# state = "on";
# xy_color = [0.299 0.115];
# brightness = 50;
# };
# "light.bande_led_tv" = {
# state = "on";
# effect = "Movie";
# brightness = 180;
# };
# "light.bande_led_bureau" = {
# state = "on";
# xy_color = [0.299 0.115];
# brightness = 130;
# };
# };
# }
# {
# name = "Home";
# icon = "mdi:home";
# entities = {
# "" = {
# state = "on";
# kelvin = 2700;
# brightness = 255;
# };
# };
# }
# {
# name = "Night";
# icon = "mdi:weather-night";
# entities = {
# "" = {
# state = "off";
# };
# "light.bande_led_tv" = {
# state = "off";
# };
# "light.bande_led_bureau" = {
# state = "off";
# };
# "light.chambre" = {
# state = "on";
# kelvin = 1900;
# brightness = 50;
# };
# };
# }
#automation = let
# min_sun_elevation = 4;
# switch_chambre = {
# domain = "zha";
# platform = "device";
# device_id = "3329ecdcad244e5e8fc0f4b96d52ffe1";
# };
# switch_entree = {
# domain = "zha";
# platform = "device";
# device_id = "7cd814190ec543dba76a7aa7e7996c41";
# };
# remote = {
# domain = "zha";
# platform = "device";
# device_id = "d1230b76264e483388a8fdaad4f44143";
# };
#in [
# {
# alias = "Aziz lumière";
# trigger = [
# {
# platform = "numeric_state";
# entity_id = "sun.sun";
# value_template = "{{ state.attributes.elevation }}";
# below = min_sun_elevation;
# }
# ];
# condition = [
# {
# condition = "state";
# entity_id = "person.paul";
# state = "home";
# }
# # Sun below max elevation
# {
# condition = "template";
# value_template = "{{ state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') < ${toString min_sun_elevation} }}";
# }
# ];
# action = {
# scene = "scene.home";
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Aziz lumière switch";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_short_press";
# subtype = "turn_on";
# } // switch_entree;
# action = {
# scene = "scene.home";
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Adios";
# trigger = [
# {
# platform = "state";
# entity_id = "person.paul";
# to = "not_home";
# }
# ({
# type = "remote_button_short_press";
# subtype = "turn_off";
# } // switch_entree)
# ];
# action = [
# {
# service = "light.turn_off";
# entity_id = "all";
# }
# {
# service = "media_player.turn_off";
# entity_id = "all";
# }
# ];
# }
# {
# alias = "Button toggle";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_short_press";
# subtype = "turn_on";
# } // remote;
# action = {
# choose = {
# conditions = {
# condition = "template";
# value_template = ''
# {% set domain = 'light' %}
# {% set state = 'off' %}
# {{ states[domain] | count == states[domain] | selectattr('state','eq',state) | list | count }}
# '';
# };
# sequence = {
# scene = "scene.home";
# };
# };
# default = {
# service = "light.turn_off";
# entity_id = "all";
# };
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Button scene movie";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_short_press";
# subtype = "right";
# } // remote;
# action = {
# scene = "";
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Button scene home";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_short_press";
# subtype = "left";
# } // remote;
# action = {
# scene = "scene.home";
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Button light up";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_short_press";
# subtype = "dim_up";
# } // remote;
# action = {
# service = "light.turn_on";
# entity_id = "";
# data = {
# brightness_step = 25;
# };
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Button light down";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_short_press";
# subtype = "dim_down";
# } // remote;
# action = {
# service = "light.turn_on";
# entity_id = "";
# data = {
# brightness_step = -25;
# };
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Button scene night";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_short_press";
# subtype = "turn_on";
# } // switch_chambre;
# action = {
# scene = "scene.night";
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Button scene dodo";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_short_press";
# subtype = "turn_off";
# } // switch_chambre;
# action = {
# service = "light.turn_off";
# entity_id = "all";
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Button scene lumière chambre ON";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_long_press";
# subtype = "dim_up";
# } // switch_chambre;
# action = {
# service = "light.turn_on";
# entity_id = "light.chambre";
# };
# }
# {
# alias = "Button scene lumière chambre OFF";
# trigger = {
# type = "remote_button_long_press";
# subtype = "dim_down";
# } // switch_chambre;
# action = {
# service = "light.turn_off";
# entity_id = "light.chambre";
# };
# }

View File

@ -269,11 +269,6 @@ in
proxyWebsockets = true;
"" = recursiveUpdate (authReverse {
locations."/" = {
proxyWebsockets = true;
"" = recursiveUpdate (simpleReverse {
locations."/" = {
proxyWebsockets = true;
@ -342,9 +337,6 @@ in
forceSSL = true;
globalRedirect = "";
"" = base {
"/".alias = "/var/www/amandoline-challenge/";